dimanche 6 mars 2011

Levitation - "Teaser"

Ladies and Gentleman,

after a Super Kite Week in England, with Super Wind conditions about 15-25 knots everyday...

after a week with some of the Best UK landkiters : Abe Alzouman, Marcus Woodbridge, Chris Walker, and Ollie Raby.

I have the pleasure to present you the "Levitation's Teaser" !

Why "Levitation", because of the UK's hangtime

Levitation is the film of my landkite trip from 28 February to 4 March in Southampton and Portsdown Hill.

Enjoy ;)

6 commentaires:

Dr Roots a dit…

y'a Van Drame qui joue dedans ? :-)

lolo bsd a dit…


Van dame ? pourquoi ?

christophe a dit…

parce que tu parle en kaike .
ouarf ouarf

Anne BSD a dit…

Good job lolochery :-)
j'attend ta vidéo !!

quentin a dit…

Beautiful les KL !

francois a dit…

A oééééé ça c'est du kiteloop !!
il a l'air énorme le spot :!!